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a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2024).

Boundaries help to protect us from potential harm. Albeit financial boundaries, ethical boundaries, cultural boundaries, professional  boundaries, sexual boundaries, relationship boundaries and such, all boundaries are useful and important to have. The topic of today’s discussion is relationship boundaries. Let’s talk about it!


Relationship boundaries are within romantic, familial, or friendship relationships. The benefit to having relationships boundaries is that they help to establish and maintain a mutual respect between you and the person. Furthermore, relationship boundaries are great in helping to protect us from having a toxic relationship. They are an essential part of self-protection and self preservation. When you relinquish your boundaries or do not establish any to begin with, you place yourself at risk. Those risks could include physical harm, emotional harm, manipulation, exploitation, emotional distress, burn-out, and a compromised sense of self-worth just to list a few. Boundaries help keep the bad people out and the good people around.


How to Set Personal Boundaries?

Identify Boundaries:

  • Define your personal boundaries by recognizing what behaviors, actions, or treatments that are not acceptable to you.

  • Understand your emotional limits and what makes you uncomfortable. It is not ok if someone makes you feel uncomfortable.

Communicate Boundaries Clearly

  • Be explicit about your boundaries to others. Express yourself clearly and confirm that you are understood. Be direct and specific about what is and is not acceptable to you.

  • Communicate what the consequences are if boundaries are violated. Emphasize the importance of mutual respect.

Trust Your Instincts

  • Pay attention to your instincts and gut feelings about people and situations. If something feels off, trust your intuition.

  • Don't dismiss your feelings. If you sense that someone might have ulterior motives, go with your intuition.

Evaluate Relationships:

  • Regularly assess your relationships to ensure that they are mutually beneficial, healthy, and respectful.

  • If someone has previously betrayed your trust and/or caused you hurt or harm, consider whether the relationship is worth maintaining.

Take Breaks When Necessary:

  • If someone has betrayed your trust or is behaving in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, consider taking a break from the relationship.

  • Use this time to process your emotions, evaluate the relationship, and explore your lessons learned.

Self-Reflection and Empowerment:

  • Regularly reflect on your own values, needs, and priorities. Ensure that your actions align with your personal standards.

  • Strengthen your self-confidence by cultivating your self-awareness and this will make it easier to stand firm in enforcing your boundaries.

Key Takeaways

Setting and maintaining boundaries is an ongoing process. It requires self-awareness, assertiveness, and a commitment to prioritizing your emotional well-being. If you find it challenging to navigate these situations on your own, it is always good to seek the guidance from a mental health professional, family member, friend, or mentor.

As always, my beautiful Tribe, remember to commit yourself daily to caring for and loving yourself, no matter what. We here at The Let’s Talk Tribe are rooting for your continued success. Please like, share, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!

Always With Love,

The Let's Talk Tribe Team




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