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Balancing Communication for Better Communication

Texting offers us all the convenience of concise exchanges, often complimented with emojis, short video clips, and GIFs for added affect. While many prefer this mode of communication, it's important to recognize its inherent limitations and potential risks with overuse. The widespread use of texting and the reinforced practice of shortening our language in messages may potentially, and over time, erode our communication skills and impede our ability to communicate with one another effectively. Texting is useful and has its many benefits, but should it be our primary form of communication? Not so sure.

Despite its widespread use, in reality texting doesn't necessarily enhance communication skills for those already facing challenges in this area. In fact, it might inadvertently allow them to avoid addressing their communication issues, potentially perpetuating the issue. This also holds true for deeply shy and introverted individuals who struggle to establish connections with others. Transitioning between texting and verbal communication requires practice and adaptability. Balance is key. Has texting reduced our ability to engage in meaningful face-to-face or verbal conversations? Let’s talk about it!

Check out these 2 short video clips touching on today's topic:

Tips for Improving Communication Skills

Practice, Practice, and Practice!

The more you practice, the more you will get better at communicating. Take advantage of every opportunity to have a verbal conversation. Practice!

Listen More.

Make a concerted effort to listen more than you speak. And while doing so, try to listen intently. This will help you to identify ways to improve your own communication skills and can even help to identify what not to do.

Be Clear & Concise.

Arrange your thoughts logically so that you formulate a clear and concise message. Avoid redundancies and unnecessary complexity.


Reading helps to expand our vocabulary and therefore improving our language comprehension. Reading also helps us to articulate our thoughts and convey our ideas more clearly, leading to more effective communication.

Check out these great articles that offer insight on this week’s topic:

  1. We never talk any more: The problem with text messaging, CNN 2012

  2. How Texting Changes Communication, by Zawn Villines,, 2012

  3. 12 Disadvantages of Texting, by Paul Goodman, April 2023

Key Takeaways

Balancing communication involves recognizing the convenience of texting, and yet acknowledging its limitations and potential risks with overuse. A potential detriment of using texting as your main form of communication, is the deterioration of your communication skills and your ability to socially interact. Be cognizant of this and practice verbal conversations to help improve your communication skills. Remember to actively listen and to aim for clarity, conciseness, understanding, and politeness when speaking to others. Additionally, reading will expand your vocabulary and help you to achieve more effective communication. Balancing both digital and verbal communication styles is key to having more enriched conversations.

As always, my beautiful Tribe, remember to commit yourself daily to caring for and loving yourself, no matter what. We here at The Let’s Talk Tribe are rooting for your continued success. Please like, share, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!

Always With Love,

The Let's Talk Tribe Team








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